Kids in Distress & Danger Services Outreach
Unlocking Potential, Empowering Kids.
Welcome to Kidds Outreach, a 501(c) non-profit organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. We are passionate about identifying, educating, and empowering kids who are facing various challenges, equipping them with the tools and support they need to thrive. Our mission is not only to transform individual lives but also to create a positive ripple effect that reaches communities and future generations. Through our collective efforts, we aim to uplift and inspire, making a lasting impact on the lives of these incredible young individuals. Join us on this journey of hope, compassion, and empowerment for a brighter future for all.

Get Involved
Support our underprivileged children who are going through challenges in getting basic survival needs that include food, shelter, education, medical checkup, a loving family and an opportunity to birth their vision.
All profits towards underprivileged and parentless children in any form of distress and danger.

Our Mission
Kids in Distress and Danger Services Outreach is a nonprofit organization in sought to identify, educate, empower and help children and youths experiencing day to day challenges.
Identify our Children in Need
Locate vulnerable kids exposed to any form of danger as orphans, internally displaced, voluntary runaway kids or those subjected to involuntary servitude.
Educate and Empower
Provide an opportunity for growth by educating the victims to overcome their challenges, and empower them towards self growth and actualization.

145,000 Meals a Day Makes an Impact
Food is the basic necessity in our lives. Our outreach program is geared towards curbing the hunger rate in the world through your help.
How You Can Help
Hunger Relief
We focus on identifying those who need food and basic necessities in life.
Join our team of dedicated volunteers so we can collaboratively strive towards eradicating hunger in the world.
Every penny you contribute will go to change some kid’s life. Any information you share will help us attain our vision. Help us help our kids.
Be an advocate to our course on behalf of our children, our future leaders. Spread the word to save our children and keep them safe.
Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life
KIDDS Outreach supports orphanages around the globe with the basics to be nourished and remain healthy. No contribution is considered small. Any little contribution you make shall go a long way to change the lives of our parentless children.

KIDDS Outreach provide multitude of services that benefit children and youths.

Feed the Hungry
Community outreach services to feed the hungry. Provide food to orphanages and organizations catering for kids in danger.

No! to Modern Day Slavery
Identify, rescue and empower children subjected to modern day slavery. Fight to abolish child trafficking.

Child Endangerment Relief
Identify and educate children subjected to any form of endangerment to include alcohol and drug abuse.
Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

Donate Today or Get Involved